王勇,博士,教授,美国南密西西比大学生物学博士,阿拉巴马州A&M大学终身教授,森林和生态中心主任,及自然资源和环境学科负责人。现有12个研究课题, 并带有一名博士后,四名博士研究生和五名硕士研究生。是 >100个研究生委员会的委员。美国生态学会的注册资深生态学家、美洲鸟类学联合会的理事。主要从事动物生态学(主要是鸟类和两爬)、景观生态和生物统计教学和研究。目前的研究包括不同森林管理方法对动物种群动态的影响,鸟类迁徙时期的行为生态,动物的景观生态模型和利用遥感和地理信息系统对森林动态的预测。其研究现在得到美国自然科学基金,农业部,环境保护局,阿拉巴马州政府的多项资助,并与中国国内的一些研究机构和高等院校包括中国科学院、复旦大学、北京师大、南京林业大学、东北林业大学等讲学和进行科研合作。2004和2006年王勇获得阿拉巴马州A&M大学唯一的最佳研究奖,2012年获得阿拉巴马州A&M大学校长特别奖,2013年王勇获得阿拉巴马州A&M大学唯一的最佳教授奖。从1990年开始已发表了100多篇论文,其中1998年“威尔逊莺停歇期的生态和生境利用”的论文被世界第一流的鸟类学学报(AUK)作为第四期的特别论文(feature article)发表。
2004~2007 Wildlife inventory at Cumberland region of Alabama/美国渔政野生动物局
2004~2009 森林生态系统 美国自然科学基金 2010~2014 Environmental Biology at Alabama A&M University (EB@aamu) 美国美国自然科学基金
2006~2012 Forest management and wildlife responses. (6个小项目) 美国 林务局
2010~2011 Assessing reforestation and nonnative vegetation invasion probabilities at reclaimed surface mine sites of Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region.美国Office of Serface Mining
2010~2013 Oak Forest under Changing Climate and Management Practices and Conservation Wildlife Biodiversity in Northern Alabama美国农业部
2009~2013 Effect of Regeneration of Upland Oak Hardwood Forest on Wildlife Communities: Restoring Oak Forests and Promoting Wildlife Biodiversity and Conservation 美国农业部
2007~2010 Mentoring 21st Century Research Experience of Environmental andNatural Resource Sciences美国自然科学基金
2010~2014 森林生态系统/美国自然科学基金
1. Sutton, W., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, and D. A. Steen. 2013. Lizard microhabitat and microclimate relationships in south-eastern pine-hardwood forests managed with prescribed burning and thinning. Forest Science, accepted.
2. Sutton, W., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer. 2013. Amphibian and reptile responses to thinning and prescribed burning in mixed pine-hardwood forests of northwestern Alabama, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 295: 213–227.
3. Cantrell, A., Y. Wang, C. J. Schweitzer, C.H. Greenberg. 2013. Short-term response of herpetofauna to oak regeneration treatments on the Mid-Cumberland Plateau of southern Tennessee. Journal of Forest Ecolog and Management 295: 239–247.
4. Wang, Y. 2012. Migration and Navigation. A book chapter in Ornithology (G. Zheng editor). Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. Beijing, China.
5. D. Lemke, C.J. Schweitzer, I.A. Tazisong, Y. Wang and J.A. Brown. 2012. Invasion of a Mined Landscape: what habitat characteristics are influencing the occurrence of invasive plants? International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment: 2012, 1–19, iFirst article.
6. Wang, Y., J. Xu, J. P. Carpenter, Z. Zhang, and G. Zheng. 2012. Information-theoretic model selection affects home-range estimation and habitat preference inference: a case study of male Reeves’s Pheasants Syrmaticus reevesii. Ibis 154: 273-284.
7. Wang,Y.,Z. Zhang, G. Zheng, J. Li, J. Xu, Z. Ma, A. L. Biancucci. 2012. Ornithological research: past twenty years and future perspectives in China. Biodiversity Sciences 20: 119-137.
8. Li, J., L. Lv , Y. Wang, B. Xi, and Z. Zhang. 2012. Breeding biology of two sympatric Aegithalos tits with helpers at the nest. Journal of Ornithology 153: 273-283.
9. Yin, Q., Z. Felix, Y. Wang, Hajun Gu, and Y. Z. Wang. 2011. Postbreeding movement and habitat use of the plateau brown frog, Rana kukunoris, in a high-elevation wetland. Journal of Herpetology 45: 421-427.
10. Cantrell, A. W., Y. Wang, and C. J. Schweitzer. 2011. New County Records from Grundy County, Tennessee on the Mid-Cumberland Plateau of Southern Tennessee, USA. Herpetology Review 42: 403
11. Xu, J. L., Z. W. Zhang, Y. Wang, and J. W. Connelly. 2011. Spatial-temporal responses of male Reeves’s Pheasants Syrmaticus reevesii to forest edges in the Dabie Mountains, central China. Journal of Wildlife Biology 17:16-24.
12. Carpenter, J. P., Y. Wang, C. Schweitzer, and P. Hamel. 2011. Avian community and microhabitat associations of Cerulean Warblers in Alabama. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123:206-217.
13. Wang, N., Z. Liu, Z. Xu, W. Zhang, Y. Lu, S. Fan, Y. Wang, and L. Zhou. 2011. Gray correlation analysis of the naturalness of the primary forest types on Losses Plateau. Acta Ecologia Sinica 31: 316~325.
14. Li, S., Y. Wang, and E. Moss. 2010. The effectiveness of the REU program among novice undergraduates. The Business Review 16: 334-339.